Healthy Hajj

It is very important that you stay in good health both before you go to and whilst you are in Saudi Arabia for the Hajj, especially as the acts involved in performing the Hajj can be strenuous, even for those who consider themselves healthy.

Here is some useful advice:

Inoculations - Ensuring all your inoculations are up to date, especially those that are mandatory for entering Saudi Arabia. Other vaccinations may also be required such as seasonal influenza vaccine. Please speak to your GP atleast 8 weeks before your intended departure to Saudi Arabia.

Dehydration - This can easily occur to people who do not consume sufficient amount of fluids in the weather conditions that usually persist in Makkah. Remember there is an abundance of Zam Zam water available in the Haram Shareef (Grand Holy Mosque).

Heat and sun related problems - The temperature in Saudi Arabia can exceed 45°C during the peak of the day. This may cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and sunburn. Try to avoid being in the heat wherever possible or use an umbrella to shade you.

Feet problems - Please ensure you have good quality footwear and do not over exert yourself especially if you are not feeling well or are experiencing pain. Although it is a personal choice, some people perform so many Nafil Tawaaf that they end up damaging their feet. This means that they need to adopt bandages and painkillers or in worse cases the use of a wheelchair to perform the Faraz Hajj for which they have come out to perform in the first place.

Respiratory problems/coughs - Sadly this is difficult to avoid. Due to such large numbers of people from around the World, all with different standards of health and hygiene, germs and bacteria spreads very quickly. Please maintain a high standard of hygiene and do not compound them by doing what others do e.g. Spitting on the floor and paths or throwing personal hygiene items carelessly anywhere e.g. used tissues or razor blades.

Food consumption - There is an untold number of food outlets selling everything one can think of. The vast majority of this is fine and people have no bad experiences. However ensure the establishment you eat at is adopting some form of hygiene standards. If in doubt then avoid the place. The last thing anyone would want is stomach pains or acute diarrhoea during the days of Hajj.

Insect bites - Try to avoid being bitten by insects. Although the risk of Malaria is low in Makkah and Madinah, there is a higher risk of Dengue fever. You may like to consider applying insect repellent outside the days of Hajj.